Anastasia Kalebina
Villa “Chicken” is a space for children and parents, an educational center of a new format.
Villa “Chicken” is literally a business from scratch. When we came up with the project, we had no money, no premises, no team. My experience in fundraising and SMM came in handy.
We created a VKontakte group, developed a content policy and began promoting it by talking about the idea. By connecting all our contacts, using non-monetary motivation tools, we managed to assemble a team of like-minded teachers who joined us on a voluntary basis.

The next step was to find funds for implementation. We used the crowdfunding platform Boomstarter, prepared a description of the project, photographs, shot a video and launched a fundraiser for gifts. We managed to attract more than 70 sponsors, became the project of the day, the project of the week, and collected the minimum amount, but the contributions were so small that we did not manage to reach victory. However, we exceeded the minimum program. We managed to attract the attention of the media and city residents to our project, find an investor and premises.

Event marketing was also used to popularize the project and test the niche. Thanks to the unusual presentation of educational activities and orientation towards the whole family, Villa “Chicken” received a number of offers to take part in the largest events of the city free of charge: Krasnoyarsk Book Fair (KrYAKK - 50 thousand people), City Day (100 thousand people), Children's Day (30 thousand people). This became good advertising and allowed us to gather a client base of 400 contacts even before the opening. It became possible to attract investment and sponsorship funds based on the popularity of the project and the results achieved. We managed to attract more than 5 leading children's publishing houses, which presented Villa “Chicken” with their best books, including Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, White Crow, The Wise Cricket and others.

We have received a number of proposals for the site. One of these proposals was accepted, and during the negotiations, the lessor became an investor. The issue with the premises was resolved. We have started repairs. There were not enough funds for full-fledged equipment and it was decided to create a minimally viable product, release it on the market, and invest the funds received during the implementation process into the project. Villa “Chicken” opened 9 months after the idea appeared, it opened in the off-season period, at the height of the crisis, but in the very first month of work we managed to turn a profit, and teachers and specialists received salaries. Over the next 9 months of work (to date), we have created a unique interior, filled the site with deep content that is in demand among buyers, registered a trademark and debugged the project management and its financial system, and some of the teachers came to us full-time. Our team employs 12 people; at the end of 2015, most of them combined their work with us with another job, but today all employees have been transferred to full-time work with us. The project won 2 major awards that we can be proud of and received a prize in the amount of 200 thousand rubles, which will go towards opening the first branch of the Chicken Villa.


1. Creation of an educational environment: At the moment, we have managed to create an amazing space of 94 sq.m. We have a large spacious kitchen where families can gather around the round table; a large hall for dancing, music, painting, architecture, calligraphy, clay modeling, cutting and sewing - all this can be done by the whole family. All the furniture in the Villa is made of wood, every detail is painstakingly handmade according to the original sketch of the architect. The design of the space sets this place apart from all places in the city and sets the tone for the creation of new urban places. Every element in the Villa is aimed at development. ТSo, walls made of many small cubes develop motor skills, while concrete and stone elements develop sensory skills. You can climb stairs like tree trunks, and you can draw on large chalk walls. We deliberately avoided plastic and metal to make this place lively and warm. For freedom of creativity, a mobile stage was invented, which is assembled from boxes like a large construction set, and can at any time turn into anything: an airplane, a house, a car. Much of the work was carried out by volunteers from among parents and youth (students of pedagogical educational institutions). On the shelves, which are also made from boxes, there are many books donated to us by the leading children's publishing houses in Russia: “White Crow”, “Mann, Ivanov and Ferber”, “Fordewind” and others. All books are in the public domain. All materials for work are open on the shelves. You can take them when you want to create and create.

2.Organization of educational courses. The authors and teachers of the project have developed long- and short-term courses: calligraphy, architecture and industrial design, musical school and family theater, ethnography and folklore, funky school (reggae, R&B, rap, hip-hop), oriental and Latin American dances , textile design and family ceramics studio, shadow theater and book games (games based on the literary works of modern writers), digital school (3D animation, programming games and mobile applications) and others. All these courses are available to the whole family: children, parents, grandparents. The authors and teachers were well-known people in the city, narrow specialists and professionals in their field.

3. Organization of literary and educational birthdays. The know-how of the project was literary birthday parties based on classical works and works of modern writers. Birthday parties based on fairy tales about Findus and Petson (S. Nordkvist), Harry Potter (J. Rowling), Alice in Wonderland (L. Carroll), Peter Pan (J. Barry), Sherlock Holmes (A. Conan Doyle), Count Dracula (Br. Stoker), Viya (N.V. Gogol). Educational birthdays are aimed at studying the humanities and exact sciences in an entertaining way: science shows, culinary birthdays, etc.

4. Organization of educational and educational events. Several times a week, events for the whole family are organized in our space. The know-how of the project was Domashniki - home concerts prepared by families or children. Homemakers are aimed at reviving the culture of home concerts, popular among bourgeois and noble families in the 19th century. Their peculiarity is that children prepare a concert for their parents: they create a program, make decorations, and make gifts. As part of the homework, poetic performances, live paintings, performances, and master classes are staged. Parents and children prepare treats, play folk games, and study ancient Russian family rituals. The home audience is usually up to 70 people. Art, theater, and ethnography are studied here in a relaxed atmosphere of a family holiday. The Villa hosts seminars for married couples, trainings on parenting and communication within the family, and career guidance classes organized by professional psychologists.

5. Formation of a community of responsible parents. A community of active, conscious parents has already formed around the Villa, who contribute to family education.

Thus, on the Villa’s site, projects initiated by parents are being implemented: a unique project, Book Games (Games based on modern children’s literature, which teach to understand the processes of constructing literary plots, the structure of the work, the roles and characteristics of the characters. All this happens in an interesting game form). The digital school was created on the initiative and with the authorship of parents who are professionally involved in programming and IT technologies. Together with volunteers from the Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical College, the Shadow Theater project “Good Fairy Tale” was created.

The project “Healthy Brunches” is being prepared for launch - family breakfasts, which involve cooking master classes for the whole family and communication between families, as well as promoting healthy eating and avoiding household chemicals. A business school for teenagers, “Startup PAPA,” prepared by parent-entrepreneurs, is preparing to launch. A number of charitable projects initiated and prepared by parents are being prepared for launch. This year, with the support of the Youth Center “Young Family Academy”, we for the first time formed the “Young Families” community and presented it at the TIM International Forum “Biryusa 2015”. Participants included professionals working with young families and young parents from across the region.


In 2015, Villa "Chicken" became the winner of the National Award "Civil Initiative" in the nomination Spiritual Heritage,

In 2016, she won the International Kids-friendly Business Award, which is awarded to commercial organizations “For their special contribution to the development of the market for children’s goods and services.”

Project team

Project manager (general project management, development of the concept of the site, promotion strategy, community concept, SMM, selection and hiring of personnel, monitoring the work of employees) - Anastasia Kalebina - higher education (KSPU named after V.P. Astafiev, majoring in teacher) teacher additional education of the highest category, teacher - teaching experience of more than 10 years, experience in project activities - more than 10 years. Author of a number of teaching aids, author of the additional education program “Litsedei Theater Studio”, winner of a number of federal and regional methodological competitions for teachers. Co-author of a group of teachers who developed the Charter Lesson 2012 in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Entrepreneurial experience – 5 years. Founder of the first venture agency in Krasnoyarsk, LLC VA "GIFSgroup", experience in attracting grants, sponsorship, fundraising. Founder of the first coworking space in Krasnoyarsk “Kompot”. Management experience – 5 years (managing a team of up to 15 people), fundraising experience – 6 years.

Project trainer of the International Youth Forum TIM Biryusa 2014, project trainer of the Regional Infrastructure Project "Territory - 2020", trainer of the Regional Course for youth centers of the region "Coworking 2020". Winner of the nomination “For contribution to business development” in the Krasnoyarsk regional competition “You are an entrepreneur 2014”.

Technical Director (organization of construction and repair work, technical work of the site, supply, work with technical personnel, transport) - Lastovsky Petr Aleksandrovich - Entrepreneurial experience - 12 years, car repair and maintenance services, production of outdoor advertising and educational visual aids. Experience in management activities - deputy director at vocational school No. 50 in Krasnoyarsk, chief specialist of the department of primary and secondary vocational education - 12, experience with up to 15 people. Executive Director (general organizational issues, space management, work with clients, design) – Anastasia Nikitenko – VGOU VPO “Siberian State Aerospace University named after. Academician M.F. Reshetnev" with a degree in Economics and Enterprise Management. Head of the SIFE student team of SibSAU named after. V.P. Reshetneva, assistant manager in the “Card Games” project (organization of project promotion, bringing the project to self-sufficiency), assistant manager of the Kompot Coworking: promotion on social networks (VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter), planning the project content strategy, project PR campaigns, working with project documentation, organizing work with sponsors and partners.

And 12 of the best specialists and teachers in the city!

Business project of entrepreneur Anastasia Kalebina
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