Elena Idrisova
My name is Elena Idrisova, I have been an entrepreneur since 1994. Our company is a family business with several directions: a network of retail food stores, cargo transportation services and my favorite business - a production workshop for bakery and confectionery products under the PROSTOVKUSNO brand. Our product range: 20 types of breads, 35 types of baked goods, cakes and pastries, 20 types of deep-fried products, 30 types of cookies, puff pastry products.

I was inspired by the idea of ​​​​creating my own production - family bakeries and pastry shops in Europe, where from early morning the smell of freshly baked bread, there is always a selection of beautiful cakes and pastries. But the most important and amazing thing is that these bakeries have been operating for centuries and pass on the experience of family business to the next generation. They value their name and reputation.

Inspired by this idea, I opened a bakery in 2012. It’s never easy at the start; I had to learn a lot from scratch: production technology, accounting for raw materials, recruiting employees. The bakery must operate 24 hours a day. Our city is small and the problem with personnel is acute, either lure it or teach it! The premises were rented because they did not have enough production capacity.

The fact that we have our own retail outlets is a big plus for production; we have a constant independent sales channel in which we analyze sales of new products and the demand for the product range.

In 2014, I won a grant to reimburse part of the costs from the purchase of equipment; all the money was invested in modern dough mixers.

By 2015, federal food chains had actively entered our city. It has become more difficult to offer and sell products; we need to survive in conditions of fierce competition. Based on this conclusion: in order to attract consumers to buy the products of your company, you need an interesting idea!
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Committee for the Development of Women's Entrepreneurship "SUPPORTS OF RUSSIA" implements a comprehensive program to support women's entrepreneurial initiatives.
Committee for the Development of Women's Entrepreneurship "SUPPORTS OF RUSSIA" implements a comprehensive program to support women's entrepreneurial initiatives.