Elena Rogovskaya
I gradually approached the idea of ​​opening my own business. Graduated from Altai State Technical University with a degree in World Economics. After graduating from the University, I entered graduate school, but very soon I realized that I was no longer interested in economic theory, but in practice.

But before starting my own business, I still decided to try my hand and gain experience working in a large organization. The five years that I worked at the bank gave me not only practical skills in working with documents and knowledge in the field of finance, but also invaluable experience in interacting with people - colleagues, managers, subordinates, clients. Perhaps I was just lucky, but absolutely everything I received as an employee was useful to me in managing my own business. My career in the bank began as an economist in the foreign exchange department and ended as the deputy head of this department.

Since further career advancement in the bank was not my goal, I decided to take up a business in which I had always had an interest and aspiration. I opened a small sewing workshop for the production of children's clothing. By that time, I already had a child, and I knew firsthand how difficult it is to buy high-quality and at the same time inexpensive clothes for a baby, especially in our remote region - the Altai Territory.

I immediately started my business by registering an enterprise and obtaining certificates for products. A little later, its own trademark MilleFaMille was registered. I have always believed that a reliable future lies only with civilized business, operating within the framework of the law, and not only for the sake of its own enrichment, but also in the interests of society.

From 2009 to 2013, 5 branded retail stores were opened in the city of Barnaul, and production volume was actively increasing. But at a certain stage of development, it became difficult to develop only at the expense of one’s own strength and resources. Financial assistance was required. I found it in the form of entrepreneurship support bodies in our region. With the assistance of the regional Committee for Entrepreneurship Development, I took part in a competition to receive a Grant from the Governor of the Altai Territory, thanks to which the company was able to purchase expensive sewing, cutting and embroidery equipment.

Since 2014, our now factory has been actively developing. We participate in industry exhibitions and work with clients from all over Russia. I am proud of my products, which I use myself and recommend to friends. I value every employee, or rather female employee (we have an almost entirely female team), many of whom have been with me for many years.

In addition to purely entrepreneurial activities, our company supports all initiatives related to children. We sponsor races and swims for babies, participate in family festivals and holidays, competitions for pregnant women, and provide assistance to crisis centers and charitable organizations. To popularize a competent attitude towards clothing for newborns, I conduct seminars and master classes for expectant mothers in childbirth preparation courses, where I tell and show what the first clothes for a baby should be.

In 2017, I headed the committee for the development of women's entrepreneurship of OPORA RUSSIA in my region. I am sure that this will be a new stage in my professional and social activities.
My business story began in 2008 with the creation of a manufacturing enterprise for sewing children's clothing in the city of Barnaul, Altai Territory.
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Committee for the Development of Women's Entrepreneurship "SUPPORTS OF RUSSIA" implements a comprehensive program to support women's entrepreneurial initiatives.