Inna Davletshina
From the age of 15, I worked with children, first as a volunteer in active children’s camps, later as the head of the children’s public organization Scarlet Sails (mainly with difficult teenagers who grew up to be wonderful, successful people). At the age of 20, she left to work in sales in commercial companies. At 21, she became the commercial director of an advertising agency, which grew into the largest in Eastern Europe. After the birth of my child, I decided to start my own business to have more freedom.​

On September 1, 2014, we opened our first EXPERIMENTATION and essentially did it at our own peril and risk. EXPERIMENTORY is a platform for complete freedom for any experiments. We have more than 100 exhibits, each of which clearly illustrates the laws of physics, astronomy, and mathematics, all of which work only with the participation of visitors. Some need to be touched, others need to be twisted, and others need to be shouted at. We came across the idea in London, where we were with our little son. We were then struck by the format: a museum in which literally everything was possible very much did not coincide with our idea of ​​a classical museum. But if you think about it, it is absolutely impossible to study science simply by looking at exhibits. It probably sounds too pretentious, but we really wanted our children to also have a chance to grow up as scientists. And for this, from childhood they need a platform where they will fall in love with science and be able to learn the basics. This is how the first EXPERIMENTORY appeared. We invested everything we had, borrowed from everyone we could, and after opening we received support from the Entrepreneurship Committee in the form of a subsidy. The format turned out to be very interesting for visitors, so for the third year now we have been developing our museum, changing the exhibition annually.

Now EXPERIMENTORY is a museum with an area of ​​800 sq.m., we have more than 140 exhibits, we conduct courses in physics, chemistry, astronomy for children from 5 to 13 years old (and they are also completely interactive - the children themselves, under the supervision of a mentor, make various instruments, make experiments). Over 2 years, more than 200,000 people visited us. These are mainly TO schoolchildren, tourists from Kaluga, Serpukhov, Lipetsk, and the south of Moscow Region. Including a lot of children from orphanages, foster children, refugees, disabled children and children with special needs, and such children visit us for free. In 2015 we were awarded as BRAND OF THE YEAR 2015. And this year we received a letter of gratitude from Alexey Gennadievich for the development of tourism in TO. Now we ourselves produce and sell interactive exhibits (already 7 museums in Russia and the CIS countries use our exhibits). Some of the exhibits that we produce are not made in Russia by anyone except us. Last year we opened branches in Ryazan and Orel.

On August 24, we opened the children's city of professions MANUFACTORY (by the way, this is the first city of professions in a small region, opened by a non-federal company). On an area of ​​more than 1200 sq.m. There are more than 30 manufactories: a police station, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a hospital, a farm, a store, a theater, etc. All manufactories are equipped in accordance with their specialization (children learn to work on adult equipment). Children learn more than 50 professions there. A child, becoming a resident of the MANUFACTORY, finds himself in real adult life: he gets a job, earns EMKI money, and can spend it inside the city on sweets and entertainment.

The goals of the MANUFACTORY: career guidance for schoolchildren and preschoolers, popularization of working professions among residents of Tula and the region, as well as other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, socialization of children and preparing them for adult independent life.

Now the MANUFACTORY is only at the beginning of its journey, but already now children not only from Tula, but also tourists from neighboring regions, including from Moscow, come to us and say that the MANUFACTORY has a lot of all sorts of tricks that are not found in the Moscow cities of professions, and there are many advantages (for example, there is no hour-long queue for master classes). So now we, in fact, have a children's technology park, which includes an EXPERIMENTORY, a MANUFACTORY, a LECTURUM WITH LECTURES AND COURSES, a CAFÉ, and a STORE. We hold more than 150 cultural events throughout the year. And we really want to develop further.
Inna Davletshina is the author of such projects as the museum of entertaining sciences "Experimentoria" and the children's city of professions "Manufactoria".
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