Irina Rechister
At the beginning of my career, I worked in the civil service. Having married a businessman, I also decided to open my own business. Initially, the Magic Lamp was an agency for recruiting household staff and organizing children's parties. Then we specialized in one of the areas of the holiday industry - event decor.

Over 17 years of operation, the company has become one of the market leaders in the Republic of Bashkortostan. We make decorations for any occasion - from weddings and anniversaries to international cultural and sporting events. We have already organized more than 12,000 events! We work with banners, balloons, fabric, light, wood, metal, paper - anything! We have a large material base - we rent out about 80 types of decorations. Scenography, window display, seasonal decoration of shopping centers, production of props, flags and flags, souvenirs with logos - my work does not let me get bored!

We organize some of the events for charity - every year in January we select a list of 5-6 organizations and help them throughout the year.

Last year we decided to enter the B to C market and opened a delivery service for balloons, flowers and gifts. But even this seemed not enough to us. As a result of the survey, it turned out that in Ufa, a population of millions, there is no one clear place where people turn for holiday services. We moved to a large, bright room, rebranded, and now the Magic Lamp Holiday Center will not only design your event, but also give advice on its organization - select a venue, host and photographer. We also conduct master classes on holiday-related topics - how to make a gift with your own hands, how to look your best at a special event, the basics of etiquette, and so on.

As an active and purposeful person, I realized another childhood dream of mine - from 2001 to 2008, my friend and I published the author’s magazines “We are growing” (for parents and children) and “Pride” (a style-forming gloss for those over 30). Unfortunately, during the 2008 crisis, when the advertising market collapsed, the magazines had to be closed.

The holiday business is special. Often you have to work at night, in all weather conditions. The show must start on time!

Such troublesome work taught me to carefully plan everything and move according to priorities. I accomplish a lot outside of work: raising two daughters, playing the piano, doing yoga and swimming, playing on a team of businessmen in “What? Where? When?”, I travel, collect mugs, and lead an active social and social life.

Constantly working on efficiency and time management, I developed my own planning system - my own course “Time management for women: how to manage everything and stay happy.” I perform with him several times a month in front of various female audiences not only in Ufa, but also in other cities.

I also teach trainings on management, marketing and motivation. I am a speaker of the OPORA Russia “Mother Entrepreneur” program, an expert of the Ministry of Youth Policy “You are an Entrepreneur” program, and a speaker at the Business School of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Belarus.

In 2016, together with coach Gulnaz Musina, we founded the School of Business Women. This is a unique course that helps women start their own business. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that students first undergo psychological training - they overcome internal fears, work on motivation, decide on the direction of activity, and only then take a course in business disciplines. Within six months of work, 7 students opened their own business and are successfully running it. Our school’s motto is “Let’s raise the country’s economy like women: easily and with pleasure!”

I have many awards and regalia: a medal of the All-Russian competition “Woman Director of the Year”, a “Golden Bird” badge of the All-Russian competition of business women “Success”, several regional public awards. I completed an internship in the USA and was a delegate at the Women and the Economy forum in Peru. I am constantly learning - in addition to a basic higher education in mathematics, I completed the Presidential Program, became certified as an independent director and worked on the Board of Directors of two public joint stock companies, and am currently receiving an MBA degree.

But I never stop there. Life for me is moving forward and upward. You have to really want it - and everything will work out!
Irina Rechister, founder and director of the Magic Lamp Holiday Center and co-founder of the School of Business Women in Ufa
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Committee for the Development of Women's Entrepreneurship "SUPPORTS OF RUSSIA" implements a comprehensive program to support women's entrepreneurial initiatives.