Irina Tochilina
The idea of ​​the Khomyak cafe appeared spontaneously. Every day, picking up my two sons from kindergarten after work, I wanted to go to a cozy place, have an inexpensive and tasty dinner and chat with the whole family, without spending the whole evening at the stove. There were no such places. This is how “Khomyak” appeared - a place where you can come after school, kindergarten or work and have a tasty “hamster”.

The whole family was so excited about this idea that it was decided to sell a room in a communal apartment and a car to receive funds to open their own business. And then the wheel called “The Hamster” began to spin, work turned into a universally exciting activity, and became part of the life of the whole family.

It was difficult at first, but thanks to the loyal staff and support of loved ones, success was not long in coming. Orders flew in from all sides, the children wanted a holiday at Khomyak, demand exceeded supply and a year later a second cafe was opened, and a year later - a third.

In the fourth year, it was planned to open the fourth “Hamster”, but it was decided to pause, since an addition was expected in the family, and instead of a new cafe, a third boy was born. For several months I completely devoted myself to caring for my newborn son, and then, after a break, with new strength, fresh ideas and great enthusiasm, I again took up work and do what I love, and a year after the birth of my third son, the fourth cafe was opened in the city. St. Petersburg.

Our goal is for children and parents to be happy. When you see a child burst into laughter at a holiday, and his parents say sincere words of gratitude to you, this is the best reward, which is more important than any profit.

It is very pleasant when not only guests, but also professionals highly appreciate the quality of our work - in 2016 we became a laureate of the All-Russian competition in the field of quality “100 Best Products of Russia”

At the moment, I plan to maintain the high standard of business at the “Khomyak” family holiday workshop and develop further. Her primary goal is to open a chain of cafes “Khomyak” in the regions of Russia, especially in small towns. The first step in this direction has already been taken - colleagues from Stavropol have purchased a franchise of our cafe and the grand opening of the “hamster” in Stavropol is expected very soon.

In addition, plans include opening a private kindergarten with highly qualified teachers and a unique program for raising and educating children.
As a mother of three children, I especially emphasize the social significance of my business. To the question of how to combine your business and raising children, maintaining a family home, I answer:

“You can combine anything. The main thing is to love what you do. And when you do quality work, try to do better and more, to anticipate the expectations of guests, the result is amazing and brings great pleasure. And financial success will come by itself.”

You need to do bold things, go forward and take risks, put aside all fears, and everything will work out!
founder and director of the chain of children's holiday cafes "Khomyak", the banquet hall "Homi Rose" and the cake confectionery.
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