National Award "Business Success"

The All-Russian Forum “Territory of Business – Territory of Life” serves as a discussion platform between representatives of government, small and medium-sized businesses, and public organizations. Participants have the opportunity to discuss issues of supporting entrepreneurs, find new partners, gain useful knowledge at master classes, share the achievements of their projects with others and exchange best practices in the field of territorial development.
The purpose of the forum is to popularize small and medium-sized businesses, as well as replicate successful experiences in improving the local business climate
The Committee for the Development of Women's Entrepreneurship "OPORA RUSSIA" is a partner in the nomination "Best Women's Project" in the national award "Business Success".
Women's stories of entrepreneurship are not only “a hobby turned into a business,” but also atypical large-scale projects that overcome the barriers of stereotypes about the “weaker sex.”

The idea to launch the “Best Women’s Project” nomination arose on the initiative of Nadiya Cherkasova, Chairman of the Women’s Development Committee
entrepreneurship "OPORA RUSSIA".
About the program
More about the program
Popularization and replication
The Business Success Award is a joint federal project of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, OPORA RUSSIA, the SME Corporation and the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, aimed at the development of small businesses in the regions of Russia and implemented in the federal areas of the national project “SMEs and support for individual entrepreneurial initiative”

Committee for the Development of Women's Entrepreneurship "SUPPORTS OF RUSSIA" implements a comprehensive program to support women's entrepreneurial initiatives.