In Vologda and Cherepovets, on April 18 and 19, as part of the official schedule of events of the fourth Eurasian Women’s Forum, a two-day interregional forum “Business. Family. Future". It was organized by the Committee for the Development of Women's Entrepreneurship of the Vologda regional branch of OPORA RUSSIA with the support of the Council of the Eurasian Women's Forum.

As part of the business program, entrepreneurs, representatives of large companies and experts from various fields discussed a wide range of issues: creative industries, generational continuity, adaptive intelligence, career guidance, youth entrepreneurship, financial literacy, personnel policy.
The program was opened by Nadiya Cherkasova, Vice-President of OPORA RUSSIA, Chairman of the Committee for the Development of Women's Entrepreneurship and member of the EWF Council. According to her, the project team has been systematically works on the women's agenda. The Committee for the Development of Women's Entrepreneurship in the cities of Vologda and Cherepovets has striking examples of girls who have successfully proven themselves in their region and in Russia. And some of them promote the Vologda region in the international arena. In particular, last year Elena Vinogradova won in the category “best creative economy project” at the APEC International Competition for Women’s Entrepreneurial Projects “APEC BEST AWARD”.
Dmitry and Marina Demin, founders of the Mega-Pak polymer plant, spoke about the history of the company’s formation and the division of areas of responsibility in business. The speakers noted that when distributing work responsibilities, the strengths of each family member are taken into account, the level of trust is higher, it is easier to negotiate, and children can be included in the family business.
At the session “A healthy family is the key to success,” experts raised issues of genetics, the health of women and younger generations, as well as innovations in the field of healthcare.
Entrepreneurs took part in thematic master classes, a product fair for entrepreneurs of the Vologda region and other activities.
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Committee for the Development of Women's Entrepreneurship "SUPPORTS OF RUSSIA" implements a comprehensive program to support women's entrepreneurial initiatives.