As part of the international forum “World of Opportunities”, a session of the Eurasian Women’s Forum was held.
“The EWF session “Women’s Dialogue: Russia – Arab World” is one of the official events in preparation for the IV Eurasian Women’s Forum, which will promote the development of women’s cooperation in various fields and open up new prospects for joint projects,” said, opening the session, Chairman of the EJF Council, First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Federal Structure, Regional Policy, Local Self-Government and Northern Affairs Galina Karelova.
She noted the importance of creating a favorable business environment for establishing strong socio-economic ties in key industries. Cooperation in healthcare, education and culture, industry and high technology, the senator emphasized, will help create new jobs and increase the level of well-being of society.
The session program was drawn up from these positions. Its participants discussed the opportunities for women in Russia and the Arab world in the context of new global challenges in the development of entrepreneurship and the protection of public health. During the discussion, they sought to determine in which areas cooperation between women could be especially mutually beneficial and what government and public initiatives and support measures would help more effectively realize the potential of women in business and social life.
This was discussed by the General Director of Toraya Group Torayeh Al Awadi (UAE), Vice President of MAK Group Himat Al Kaitub (UAE), Vice President of OPORA RUSSIA, Chairman of the Committee for the Development of Women's Entrepreneurship and member of the EWF Council Nadiya Cherkasova, member of the EWF Council, Senior Vice President of Promsvyazbank PJSC Vera Podguzova and others.
Thus, in particular, Torayeh Al Awadi described how her company supports women's startups and companies that seek to establish themselves in local markets. And vice-president of MAK Group Himat Al Kaitub listed the available for those coming to the United Arab Emirates have the opportunity to build a business and career. The head of the Roscongress Foundation's healthcare directorate, Anastasia Stolkova, and the head of the Health and Wellness Committee, member of the board of trustees of the Bahrain Entrepreneurship Organization Lamia Mahmoud (Bahrain) spoke about the prospects for international cooperation in the field of healthcare.
Summing up the session, Galina Karelova noted that the presentation of the projects of the EWF Council, which took place during the session, aroused the interest of its foreign participants. She expressed the hope that increased cooperation with women in Arab countries will increase the effectiveness of EWF projects. Karelova noted that almost all EWF projects will be presented at the IV Eurasian Women’s Forum and asked those present to give their additions.
“The discussion showed that the views of women in Russia and the countries of the Arab world have much in common; we have many points of contact in the humanitarian sphere and in business, which can become new, promising points of growth for our Cooperation,” concluded Karelova.
The international business forum “World of Opportunities” will be held in Dubai for the second time. Representatives from more than 45 countries will take part in it. “World of Opportunities” is one of the leading annual business events that brings together leaders of Russian and international business to interact in new global conditions. For investors and companies seeking to develop business in the Middle East, Africa and Asia, this is a very significant event. This is evidenced by the composition of the participants: 40% - heads and top management of companies, 25% - representatives of government bodies, international, Arab and Russian organizations, 10% - heads of development institutions, support and service organizations.
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Committee for the Development of Women's Entrepreneurship "SUPPORTS OF RUSSIA" implements a comprehensive program to support women's entrepreneurial initiatives.