Oksana Fokina
I am Oksana Fokina. My company “Oksema” was born in parallel with my son - in 2007. The first calls began to arrive the very next day after his birth, and while I was still in the maternity hospital, I explained to the client which fire retardant composition would be best for him in terms of quality and delivery time. I very clearly remember this day and the look of the girl, my roommate, when they brought our children to feed us, and I was having the “wrong conversations”, it was at the same time surprise, misunderstanding, and irritation...

The first year was spent doing tender work from home: holding my son with one hand and looking through tender lists with the other. Somehow there was no fatigue. There was a fear that it wouldn’t work out and I’d have to leave everything, and since childhood I really didn’t like to give up. And probably this fear of failure always drove me forward, it was thanks to it that I knocked on closed doors, found them where they were not supposed to be, I simply moved forward, because there was no turning back!

There were moments (and there were quite a few of them) when I had almost no strength and gave up. So, our first participation in the Khabarovsk International Fair coincided with a difficult family situation - my two-year-old son was hospitalized and now you are torn between fear and worries for your child and the company, whose activities also need to be “put on its feet.” It's good that my mother was nearby. She always had my back. This is how I had my second child, Oksema. Of course, I probably couldn’t have done it alone. In addition to the grandmother, at the first stage, my husband helped - sometimes by unloading goods, sometimes by delivering cargo. The very name of the company is also his idea - the first letters of the three names of our family - OKSana, Sergey, MAkar.

As Makar grew up, Oksema’s activities took on a clearer outline - we began to engage not only in the sale of fire-fighting equipment, but also in its installation. We have wonderful craftsmen who have been working with us for almost 10 years. It is thanks to them that I do not worry about the quality of installation of fire doors in such a construction opening, looking at which the builders themselves “throw up their hands.” Every year we are expanding our activities - now this includes design, development of facility safety data sheets, and fire risk calculations. I think our team was united by an interest in work, a desire to grow and become professionals in it, the ability to find ways out in the most difficult situations, the word “impossible” does not exist for us, every new difficult task is the improvement of our professionalism! It is the presence of these qualities that I consider to define a person and any organization too. In the Oksema group of companies, every employee has them, and therefore we always solve the tasks set by our clients promptly and professionally!
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