Oksana Kiryushina
Remembering myself earlier, without children, I was a completely ordinary and unremarkable girl who did not know which path to take and what to devote my strength and energy to. I worked in all sorts of ways and places, from a dumpling maker and a waitress as a student to an advertising specialist and sales manager.

But everything has changed! From the moment children began to appear in my life, all my actions took on a different meaning! That's when all the fun started!

In 2012, my eldest son Egor was born, with whose birth came many ideas about what I would like to do, where to grow, and most importantly, I could experiment. And then my first project was born - a store for conscious parents “Chelalya”. This is not just a store! In addition to selling products for parents and babies, this is a platform for communication and conducting monthly free seminars on the topics of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum recovery, breastfeeding, babywearing, parenting and child development.

After 2 years, there was one more person in our family - our son Radion was born. And there have also been additions to plans and implemented projects. I launched my own production of reusable diapers and FANFAN diapers and became more actively involved in organizational activities. Now, every year in Chelyabinsk I hold events such as Breastfeeding Support Week, Babywearing Week, and the South Ural Festival of Conscious Parenting.

2016 was the year of another “breakthrough”. The move to a larger scale was marked by the organization of the Russian Festival of Conscious Parenting and the All-Russian competition for mothers “Slingomam of Russia”.

In January of this year, my new project began life - an autonomous non-profit organization for the support and promotion of family, motherhood and childhood “Parents Union”. The goals are to unite active parents, organize events for parents, implement and scale socially oriented projects. Active moms, I'm glad to see you!

And just recently, on February 14, the third child in our family was born - daughter Marika! And literally 2 weeks after giving birth, working at home in my arms with my daughter and two boys nearby, I began to implement grandiose plans and new projects:

Regional qualifying rounds of the competition “Slingomam of Russia 2017” in 16 regions and the final of the competition in Moscow;
I Ural Pregnant Forum;
project “Palace of mild labor” in the maternity hospital of Chelyabinsk;

- “Fairy tales in hospital colors” for children in hospitals in Chelyabinsk and the region;

- Union of Young Talents;

And... more projects that I won’t mention for now!

At the beginning of your journey, it is very important to receive support from loved ones, and, first of all, from your husband. It is important to create a team of like-minded people who are passionate and inspired by the same ideas.

With the birth of children, I made several conclusions:

1) a child brings a woman not only love and fulfillment in the role of a mother, but also brings with her many ideas and opportunities for their implementation!

2) the child brings a lot of energy! Yes, yes! Breaking stereotypes! I feel a powerful surge of energy with the birth of each child!

3) the child definitely grows up happy and self-sufficient next to a happy, self-realized mother!

And most importantly, dear mothers, if you believe in your idea - take action!!! Don’t wait for “that very moment” - it may not come! Take the first step TODAY!

President of the ANO "Union of Parents", Member of AKEV (Association of Consultants on Natural Feeding)
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