Olga Oshurkova
One day, on one of the streets on the outskirts of Yekaterinburg, I was waiting for my friend. Nearby there was a dairy kitchen - a food distribution point for newborns. The wait dragged on, and I unwittingly witnessed a conversation between several girls who were standing in line on the street with baby strollers for baby food. One of them had a child wake up and cry. She tried to feed him formula from a bottle. It was quite cold and the mixture had long cooled down. The child refused to eat. He screamed very loudly, did not take the pacifier, and his mother unsuccessfully continued to try to feed him. She couldn’t leave the line; there were only a couple of people left before the window with baby food. It's a bleak picture, isn't it?

Actually, that’s when the idea was born - to create a food system that would make it possible to simply and quickly prepare any baby food in any conditions.

I realized that I wanted to work in the real sector of the economy and produce products. I used all available types of support in the Russian Federation, various educational programs, and business consulting.
I dreamed that my projects would help other people and began work on the “Kit for preparing baby food” project, which reduces the incidence of intestinal infections in children, and also facilitates the process of feeding children.

The project became a national winner in the International Industrial Design Competition James Dyson Awards, entered the top 10 best projects according to Forbes magazine, and also won the innovation convention in the category “Best Socially Significant Innovation Project”, and was included in the 40 best startups in the world according to PlugAndPlay CHINA. My company started receiving pre-orders from all over the world.

At that moment, my son had a convergent squint. We were treated unsuccessfully in vision care offices for 3 years. And I started working on my new project “TREAL-PLAY Eye Trainer”. It allows you to improve vision for adults and children. My son started using it and his vision went from 10 percent to 95!
All the mothers I know who have a similar problem approached me with a request to make such a device for them too, and I decided that I needed to focus my attention on this project. So I started producing eye trainers.

Having collected several simulators, I decided to organize small-scale production, because this could significantly help children and adults with strabismus, myopia and farsightedness, and age-related changes.

I set myself an ambitious task and I managed to register a trademark and obtain a patent for an invention, come up with production technology, design, solve financial and organizational issues.

Today, the device has been finalized with ophthalmologists, engineers and teachers and is used in medical institutions; it has begun to be supplied to Optics chain stores. We conducted medical research and even developed packaging for exporting products, with the proud inscription “Made in Russia.” And, so imperceptibly, in full immersion in entrepreneurship, I did not notice how the well-deserved recognition came. We receive grateful reviews from consumers from different cities of the Russian Federation and other countries.

Our products are now used in both the USA and European countries, because... there are no similar analogues on the market. And as part of import substitution, my company’s products can claim a larger market share.

This business can also be defined as a social one, since we produce a very necessary product for children, and also provide work for people with disabilities, train them ourselves and bring work to their homes. They are involved in the assembly process. In total, about 35 people are involved in the work. In two years I managed to go from an idea to wholesale sales to retail chains. Of course, this path was not easy, I had to sell my car and take out 5 consumer loans.

Today I also do social work. She joined the Public Council under the Federal Service for Intellectual Property to, among other things, propose issues of interdepartmental interaction for consideration and work out mechanisms for protecting the rights of patent holders.

I am proud that I live in Russia and I have the opportunity to create new products and make my wildest dreams come true.
She started her entrepreneurial activity at the age of 13. She organized a guitar school at her school. At the age of 18, I registered my own individual entrepreneur and worked under a contract with foreign companies
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