Svetlana Milskaya
Where did it all start? Now it’s difficult to say at what point I noticed that upon entering the plane, my child was steadily trying to look into the cockpit and during flights asking questions about controls and piloting. And his exclamation: “I wish I could fly with them!”

As a mother, I believe that the earlier children gain experience and knowledge, the deeper and more diverse their further development occurs.

Perhaps that moment should be considered the beginning of the development of the project, its ideological start, the mother’s desire to support the child’s interest.

Later, when we went through the stage of aviation computer games, special joysticks, and computer steel littered with toy devices, I came to the decision that the next stage was needed.

To my surprise, it turned out that there was nothing further. Only vocational schools. But they are still far away.

The desire to experience the feeling of flight and overload, to independently control an airliner is inherent in ordinary people of any age and profession.

So long ago, by modern standards of the dynamics of events, in 2001, a company was created that united with an interest in aviation: scientists, engineers, designers, and active pilots. This is how a project to develop and produce flight simulators for public use was born.

Having gone from building relatively simple, in terms of realistic simulation and visualization simulators, TFT aero very quickly mastered the production of flight simulators on a moving platform, such well-known types of aircraft as the Boeing 737 NG and Airbus A-320. So in 2009, in Moscow, on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, the first aviation center in Russia was opened with an annual attendance of 18 thousand people per year.

In 2009, the company presented the Boeing 737 NG flight simulator for the first time at the MAKS air show. As the experience of participation has shown, the ability to access the simulator pilot cockpit and control the aircraft independently is of great interest to visitors, while the permanent training centers in Moscow and St. Petersburg, among other things, are a point of attraction for the media and film industry.

Unlike professional simulators, TFT aero products serve the purpose of popularizing aviation and introducing people to various types of aircraft. Our innovative design solutions make it possible to produce products similar in realism to professional simulators at tens of times cheaper.

The TFT aero company is at the stage of actively promoting the product on the European and Asian markets. The innovation and manufacturability of products on the international market will allow us to ensure a high export component in the company’s income structure in the coming years.

Representatives of foreign technology parks and entertainment centers are showing high interest in the unique, innovative product. The attractiveness of the products is due to the extremely high operating profitability when using the financial models we have developed thanks to close cooperation with the Russian Export Center.

An analysis of the foreign market and requests showed not only the interest of buyers in purchasing equipment, but also the desire to learn from the experience of a successful business project.

Along with the release of current products and a noticeable increase in requests, TFT aero offers the development and production of domestically produced aircraft simulators MC-21 and SSJ-100.

The design and interior of the cockpits will ensure unambiguous recognition of the aircraft type and will increase the prestige of domestic products on the international market.

But the development of this promising area requires close cooperation with Russian financial institutions that provide support to manufacturing companies and exporters of high-tech products.

In October 2016, together with the Russian Export Center, we represented our country at the BRICS international trade fair in New Delhi.
Having fifteen years of experience in managing a company in the field of high technology, I chose the production of aviation simulators as my main focus.
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